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“The Power of Love” producers want to embrace “THE WORLD” with goodness by spreading HOPE, LOVE and PEACE thru the universal language MUSIC.  “The Power of Love” mission is to show LOVE to those who need it, give HOPE to those who lost it and spread PEACE throughout the world. The main purpose is to encourage people to “PAY FORWARD” and inspire the young generation to “DO” one good deed a day.  Below are some organizations we support because they are doing a "GOOD DEED" everyday.


"Be The One"
Bus Tour Campaign

The "Power of Love" streetteam  will be touring across the USA encouraging people to "BE THE ONE" person who "MAKES A DIFFERENCE" in the world.  During this tour, the street team will be performing "ACTS OF KINDNESS" by helping people who need it.  The goal of this campaign is to encourage everyone around the world to do one "GOOD DEED" everyday.

"Toy Mania"World Campaign

The producers of "Power of Love" plans to launch a world wide toy drive.  Thru the assistance of Toys 4 Tots and other organizations these toys will be distributed to kids around the world throughout the year.  Everyday should be Christmas for a kid. 

"Feast 4 All"
Holiday Dinner

"Feast 4 All" is a campaign that will be donating free turkeys to needy families and will be holding a special holiday dinner to feed hundreds of people in need.  Everyone needs LOVE. Everyone needs HOPE. No one deserves to go hungry.

"Time 2 Shine"
World Campaign

"Time 2 Shine" campaign's goal is to show LOVE to those who need it and give back HOPE to those who lost it.  The producers plan to donate a car or others goods every week on a popular talk show such as “Ellen”, “The View” and other talk shows .  The host of the show will then give these goods to people in need.  “THE POWER OF LOVE” producers plan to generously “GIVE BACK” to the world in many different ways such as this.

A portion of  the proceeds will be donated to

the following organizations & many more.

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